Syfe Managed Portfolios Invite Your Friends Programme

The trusted platform to grow your wealth

Best Syfe Managed Portfolios referral code 2024

Sign up with Syfe Managed Portfolios via the referral link or code: SRP6G4YN8 and receive up to 6 months of management fee waiver for your investments.

Tiers for management fee waivers:

  • 3 months (for first deposit: $2,000)
  • 4 months (for first deposit: $5,000)
  • 5 months (for first deposit: $10,000)
  • 6 months (for first deposit: $50,000 and above)

Note: first deposit needs to be made within 14 days of account creation

Other terms and conditions apply.

Syfe Managed Portfolios and Syfe Brokerage are two separate products on the Syfe platform.

New customers can enjoy referral benefits on both if they sign up for both within 30 days.

Table of Contents

What is Syfe?

Syfe is a digital investment platform that is building the next generation of financial solutions for individuals across Asia.

Launched in July 2019, Syfe’s mission is to transform the way people manage their money and make high quality financial services affordable and accessible to all.

Today, Syfe has onboarded over 100,000 clients, expanded to Hong Kong and Australia, and grown to cover a holistic range of investment solutions, from institutional-level fully managed portfolios and directly indexed REITs, to brokerage and cash management.

MAS License

Syfe License CMS100837

Syfe is licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) under a Capital Markets Services (“CMS”) License (CMS License No: CMS100837) for retail fund management.


Syfe Managed Portfolios

Syfe Managed Portfolios offers personalised and custom portfolios, enabling users to fulfil their long-term financial goals. The platform has no minimum investment amounts and maintains a low annual fee, starting at 0.35% per annum of the total amount invested.

Are my investment funds secure if I invest through Syfe?

Monies and assets are held in a custodian account through Saxo Capital Markets (“Saxo”), a MAS-regulated global broker. This means that my money and assets remain safe even if Syfe or Saxo stop operating.

Does Syfe use any leverage?

Syfe does not use any leverage or margin lending.

Special mention: Cash+ Guaranteed

Launched on 22 August 2023, Cash+ Guaranteed lets users enjoy guaranteed returns on any investment amount, which sets it apart from the usual offering of personalised and custom portfolios.


  • Funds invested into fixed deposits provided by banks in Singapore
  • Enjoy competitive rates otherwise not available for retail investors
  • Rates regularly-assessed from several bank providers. No need to keep switching banks to access higher rates
  • Lock funds in 3, 6 or 12 months term
  • Auto-reinvest at maturity - accelerate savings through power of compounding

WARNING: Cash+ Guaranteed is a managed investment portfolio, and should not be taken as a fixed deposit. Until the investment is locked in, the rate is subject to change. Investment capital and returns are guaranteed subject to underlying bank risk.

The bank account that used to manage the funds is insured by Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC) for up to S$75,000. However it’s important to note that this coverage isn’t applicable on an individual client basis.

My onboarding experience

Back in 2019, my signing up was completed in just 5 minutes using SingPass MyInfo.

I started with a survey to determine the ideal investment profile for myself. After that, I deposited funds conveniently via PayNow and by the next day, my portfolio was created.

I started with $1000 and look forward for my “Nest egg” portfolio to grow.

Day 1 Syfe portfolio 29/11/2019
Day 1 portfolio on 29/11/2019
Portfolio on 18/01/2022
Portfolio on 18/01/2022

Useful reads

What are the real fees you pay when buying funds or unit trusts?

An article by Syfe which advocates buying ETFs over unit trust or mutual funds and comparing their fees against banks, robo-advisors and self-serve platforms popular in Singapore.

It is quite lengthy but you can scroll down to the comparison tables if you are in a rush.

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While we do our best to maintain up to date information on the available referral promotions, their terms and conditions do change frequently. We do not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume any responsibility for any loss caused by content on this website. Content may contains affiliate links, and at no cost to you, we may earn a commission when you click on them.
